Best of Threads: Watches, Tobacco Suits, Boots & Books

What’s Dappered Threads? It’s our forum. Launched in 2011, Threads is a not too big, not too small, just-right-sized forum that doesn’t put up with snobbery. All thanks to the users and hardworking mods. Once a month, one of the users/mods from Threads provides us with a highlight package of the last few weeks.

What Watch I Wore Today

What Watch I Wore Today |

Ever crowd-pleasing with watch enthusiasts, the What Watch I Wore Today thread continues to be a popular destination. DocDave kicked off the month with the Casio Edifice while BillN showcased the stellar modding work done by idvsego. Pborkstrom showed off some Sekio love, quickly followed by ajs116, jays0n and Loafer28. Christopher Ward watches are a popular pick with readers, with jwwilker and Rawfull displaying their respective watches. idvsego went one step further by showing some of his every day carry items, which prompted a brief discussion from the group on items other than watches. LesserBlackDog broke out a very nice Tudor selection, while Publius showed that not all watches have to be mechanical.

Tobacco Suit Ideas

Black Lapel Tobacco Linen Suit

User Pelennor ask the group what their thoughts were on tobacco brown suits after seeing one at Target. Galcobar felt the term ‘tobacco brown’ wasn’t descriptive enough while theplayerking commented that he had a tobacco linen suit which worked out nicely as an occasional summer piece. Bixmeister noted the suit in question as identified by Pelennor is of the color name Dapper Brown (no word on any Dappered copyright infringement) and felt the shade would be versatile enough to wear with a variety of colors. The discussion then turned to how to match/pair accessories with a brown suit, with Tokenemynd, mebejoseph offering their input. Finally LesserBlackDog pulled up an image from the interwebs that nicely illustrated an outfit. (photo credit: Black Lapel)

Desert Boots Anyone?

Desert Boots |

Granted that style is a personal choice, BillN asked the group why so many people love Clark’s Desert boots. Shade chimed in saying he didn’t get the love either, Mad Martigan wasn’t a fan of the crepe soles, armedferret has never been a fan, Crims feels the shoes are overrated , and aps2012 has never really liked them. Of course that’s not to say the conversation was all one sided. Many users came to the defense of the desert boot including maich, julius12, MediumTex, and the Alpha King. Of interest is that user Kurps commented desert boots were one of the first items he bought after finding Dappered, but now he’s moved on to other shoes. Does this mean desert boots are a gateway drug to shoe love?

Summer Reading

Summer Reading |

With summer here for many of us, it’s a time to pick up a book and relax down at the beach. Need some suggestions? hornsup84 just finished reading A Higher Loyalty, and LesserBlackDog finished Paris 1919Transient recommended a good fun book called The Name of the Wind and winghus joined in saying the sequel is a great read too. Finally The Wheel of Time fans sethtvaughn and Rawfull commiserated with Shade who decided to start rereading the series.

Looking for some advice, direction, or just to connect with some cool guys? Maybe you have a book you’d like to recommend for some summer reading.  If so, then Head on over to Threads and take a spin around. Many thanks to contributor Dave I. for assembling this month’s Best of Threads.

Best of Threads: Watches, Tobacco Suits, Boots & Books published first on

Author: Fashion Passion

I lived my life in Europe and now a global citizen in fashion. I have attended the American University in Texas and hold master degree in Media & Communications. I have also spent 4 years of formal training in clothing and fashion. I love travelling around the world and being in different artistic environments has helped me discover more and more about my passions which is fashion.